22 April 2017

Second Sunday of Easter: Year A Believing Thomas: Divine Mercy Sunday

Second Sunday of Easter: Year A
Believing Thomas: Divine Mercy Sunday

Entrance Antiphon
The entrance antiphon of today uses phrases: “…You must long for the pure, spiritual, milk, that in him you may grow to salvation (1 Pet 2:2)

♥ The Pure, spiritual milk gives nourishment to the soul and the soul learns to recognize the mercy and love of God, grows into the healthy relationship with God and is able to practice the corporal and spiritual works of Mercy

♥ Today’s collect uses the phrase: “… God of everlasting Mercy…”

♥ God’s love and mercy is everlasting. He is a just God but his mercy is everlasting. it is so much matching for the divine mercy Sunday.


♥ The acclamation of today says: “Thomas, you have believed because you have seen me. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believed.”

♥ Thomas is also doubly blessed because he has not seen God. Jesus says no one has seen God and yet he believes in the divinity of God in Jesus by saying: “My Lord and my God.”

♥ We don’t call him ‘doubting Thomas’ but we calling him ‘believing Thomas’ because we usually delete the photos that are not well taken. We usually keep the photo that is well taken.
First Reading (Acts: 2:42-47)

♥ First reading gives us the picture of the corporal and spiritual works of mercy because the new converts devoted themselves to

♥ 4) to PRAYER,
♥ 6) SOLD their things and SHARED with the NEEDY,
♥ 7) Attending the TEMPLE TOGETHER [But Thomas was not together with the Group]

♥ The Lord added to their number because they lived a life of FAITH, HOPE, LOVE AND MERCY that is why God added to their number. People were inspired. Does it happen today? If it does not happen that means that we are not living our life as the early Christians.

Responsorial Psalm

“…Give thanks to the Lord for his love [mercy] endures forever.”

The Hebrew word for ‘womb’ (rehem) indicates that it is the basic root for such words as ‘mercy’ and ‘merciful’. Rehem is a masculine word which means ‘compassion’. It refers to belly or womb of an animal/woman where fetus exists and develops (Gn 20:18; 29:31; Is 49:15).

A ‘womb’ that miscarries could be a curse from God but not necessarily (Ho 9:14). This female imagery is employed to express God’s female compassion and feeling. This imagery speaks of a mother who provides for the child in her womb. And yet Israel proves to be stubborn even in the womb. Israelites celebrated God’s mercy by singing the psalms 117 and 135 in their prayer assemblies.

At this moment I am compelled to think about the ABORTIONS that are being carried out in rampant in the world. Through abortion so many innocent lives are destroyed in the womb which is the very place and sanctuary of love and mercy.
 Second Reading
 ♥ Second reading says: “By his GREAT MERCY we have been born a new to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ….”

♥ It speaks about the TEMPORARY TRIALS AND SUFFERINGS and the IMPERISHABLE, UNDEFILED AND UNFADING INHERITANCE. It is possible because God is full of mercy and compassion slow to anger and abounding in love. We don’t deserve them at all.

♥ In contrast to Thomas’ faith, it also speaks about the GENUINENESS OF OUR FAITH that is tested by fire (1 Pet 1:7)

Sirach 2:5 For GOLD IS TESTED in the fire, and those
found acceptable, in the furnace of humiliation.
 (Sir 2:5 NRS)

♥ Our faith journey is a wresting with God like Jacob. We are tried, tested, tempted in every side.

♥ When I look into my own personal life, I see that just before my ordination God gave me a “thorn in the flesh.” (2 Cor 12:7) It is no use of asking God to take it away. He will say “my grace is sufficient for you”. Because of that “thorn in the flesh” I come to understand spiritual realities little better than before. He has given me this to keep me humble. It is given to test my faith by fire so that the genuineness of my faith which is more precious than the gold will be seen.

♥ WITHOUT HAVING SEEN HIM YOU LOVE HIM: though you do not now see him you believe in him and rejoice with unutterable and exalted joy.

♥ The result of our faith is the salvation of our souls.

Entrance antiphon: “…You must long for the pure, spiritual, milk, that in him you may grow to SALVATION (1 Pet 2:2). Pure, spiritual milk will make us grow in faith and win us salvation.

Gospel Reading

♥ …THE DOORS BEING SHUT…” are we also locked behind our sins, ego, own private plan/agenda AFRAID that Jesus’ encounter with us will be not that palatable. That we will be disturbed from our comfort zones. Are we closed up in our comfort zones not willing to go out from there?

♥ …JESUS CAME AND STOOD AMONG THEM…: Jesus can go through our problems, fears and anxieties. Be available to him. Don't be absent from his presence like Thomas.

PEACE and joy are very much part of the Easter season. Do we experience Peace and joy in our daily life (relationship/family/community).

This peace is not as the world gives, it was born from his suffering and struggle and death and resurrection of Jesus.

♥ In fact Jesus gives three times his peace by saying: “Peace be with you”

♥ HE SHOWED THEM HIS HANDS AND SIDE: instead of we trying to touch the wounds of Jesus, Let us allow Jesus to touch our wounds: wounds of lust, pride, indecency, immorality, ego…

♥ THE DISCIPLES WERE GLAD WHEN THEY SAW THE LORD: Seeing the Lord gives us joy. But it is a sad thing to know that there are so many Catholics who do not attend Sunday Mass regularly. How can they have peace and joy in their life because true joy and peace come from seeing the Lord, experiencing the Lord.

♥ AS THE FATHER HAS SENT ME SO I SEND YOU: Jesus is giving to the disciples exactly what the Father gave him with full authority and power.

♥ HE BREATH ON THEM: when I am with the parish community he will breathe on me his spirit.

… IF YOU FORGIVE THE SINS OF ANY, THEY ARE FORGIVEN: Jesus gives them the power to forgive sins. Confessional is the place where we experience God’s mercy in a very tangible manner. It is a beautiful coincidence that Jesus gives the disciples the power to forgive sins on the divine mercy Sunday.

♥ THOMAS THE TWIN: Who is the other twin? It is I and you. Every time we don’t believe in the love and mercy of God we become the twins of Thomas.

♥ THOMAS WAS NOT WITH THEM: Thomas was looking for Jesus INDIVIDUALLY but God revealed to the COMMUNITY of disciples. It is easier to discover Jesus in a community than to discover him individually. How is my community life?

 ♥ WE HAVE SEEN THE LORD: The saying goes: “seeing is believing.” Faith is assurance of things hoped for and conviction of things not seen. How do you see the Lord today. We see him in others (1 John4:20). Mother Teresa saw Jesus in the poorest of the poor, the abandoned.

UNLESS I SEE IN HIS HANDS THE PRINT OF THE NAILS: the resurrection was an extraordinary reality and so Thomas was looking for an extraordinary proof.

THOMAS WAS WITH THEM: Thomas was with the community of disciples and Jesus revealed himself to Thomas.

♥ MY LORD AND MY GOD: It is like St. Augustine who said: “Too late have I known you Lord. Finally Thomas has managed to TOUCH THE FINGER OF GOD as in the picture of Adam and God the father trying to touch and live.

♥ BLESSED ARE THOSE WHO HAVE NOT SEEN AND YET BELIEVE: how many of us seek signs, vision, prophecies and miracles in our life?

To believe is to have life in him.

Divine Mercy prayer says: Jesus I Trust in you. We need to trust in Jesus. “JESUS I TRUST IN YOU” is equal to “MY LORD AND MY GOD”

 ♥ Jesus said: “DO THIS IN MEMORY OF ME” means that we also need to SHOW MERCY to others just as Jesus did on Calvary through his Paschal Mystery. The Cross is the culmination of Jesus’ mercy, love and humility.

♥ We need to be the MERCIFUL FACES OF THE FATHER here on earth.

♥ John Paul II visited 129 countries because he wanted all people to know that God loves them, no matter what is their culture or language. Thus, He became the Merciful face of the father specially by forgiving the young man Mehmet Ali Agca, the pope’s attempted assassin.

Every priest has been touched by the wounds of Christ and he in turns touches the wounds of others in a healing way. Pope Francis said that: “God looked at me with mercy and chose me.” All Christians faithful are Baptitized priests. We belong to the royal priesthood of Christ. We need to touch the wounds of others in a healing way.

♥ MESSAGE of Divine Mercy Sunday: “ABC” stands for: Ask for mercy, Be merciful to others, completely Trust Jesus.

♥ SPREAD DEVOTION to DIVINE MERCY Through “FINCH” Stands for: Feast of DM, Image of DM, Novena to DM, Chaplet of DM, Hour of DM.

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